HAID’08 notes

2008 September 16

HAID’08, the third International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, September 15-16 2008 in Jyväskylä, Finland. http://www.haid2008.org

September 15

Keynote, Marcelo Wanderley

Design of input devices for musical expression
Buxton —–> specs increasing: consumer – military – musical
music control made of effective actions and anneillary actions
Match between transducers and musical functions [Vertegaal et al. Working on Dimple, simple glue between system for non-programmer to control haptic/audio scenes
The Gyrotyre: bicycle wheel for input instrument control. Intrinsic mechanical properties.
T-Stick: family of controllers, design language found across a group of instruments/controllers. Joseph Malloch
MA thesis from David Birnbaum, McGill: Musical vibrotactile feedback

Tactile Belts
interpolated stimulation: low count of tactors, easier/lighter hardware.
more accurate but slower integration/processing. Problems using the belt in wayfinding tasks because targets are too small.

Eva-Lotta Sallnäs (KTH), Multimodal in Stockholm.

Do-It-Yourself Haptics, 2 parts. MacLean and Hayward [read this ASAP]


Ricardo Pedrosa, SPIN research group, UBC
design method to add haptic feedback for expressive interfaces
traditional, luthier’s approach
crafting of natural resonance chamber/properties VS electronic, engineer’s approach
affordance issues as sound generation is not linked to the interface
duality of haptic channel
establish a semantic base, force feedback features separately (Phatom) + vibrotactile, then mix later.
check Robobunny at SPIN, UBC, Steve

Haptic performance, K-metrics

Mobile multimodal artefacts, Portugal
context influences the modalities used with devices/tasks
task: questionnaire with selections, open questions, page navigation. can be done on any modality. many scenarios were forced to the users to see how they adapt and change their modality preferences.
Optimal context: user’s preferences wrt (new) technology.
Constraint context: direct input
One hand use -> no direct intput, switch to navigation between elements
private context -> voice ok
public context -> voice not ok

Social Space represented with Haptic feedback
force field depends on social feeling
smooth vs rought
associate feeling qualities with haptic qualities

September 16

Keynote, Petri Toiviainen, Haptics and Music perception

“Motion follows sound”
Motion metaphors to describe music
Music perception <-> motion
Beat finding
Unique to humans? (Snowball parrot dancing to music)
Kinematics: find common patterns in spontaneous movement to music
Vertical movement stronger, period of 1 beat
Horizontal speed/movement link to 2 beats
Kinematic data to mechanical energy (kinematic)
humans able to synchronize to beat (after 4 years of age)

Audio-Haptic Aesthethics (Chang MIT, O’Sullivan Motorola)

appropriate to use, sensory redundancy with haptics
tools used for construction of vibrotactile compositions
based of Michel Cion and Munsell wheel
MFT (transducer) in a pillow from Chang
Mapping sounds to colors, but not very interesting
matrix amplitude/duration space
ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) from sound adapted to vibrotactile event
Time-Energy landscape using ADSR
A1000 old phone/model with transducer behind the screen. Newer is more precise, faster and better transducer, totally hard key panel, just released [check how much and availability]
private envelop at the beginning of a long composition
composition methods, synchresis
visual-tactile background images
One composition spread over audio and haptic, doesn’t need to be doubled.
i.e. audio pulse supplemented with haptic reverb

Stronger front-back then left-right
why multimodal? there is the real world
external <-> internal

tacTiles prototypes
chair with pressor sensor.
Free2Move F2M01 bluetooth serial adapter.
motion pattern to login on the chair. not sure of the uses proposed…

Audio-Haptic depth information, Dephine Devallez
window in playlist, hear 4 sounds with modulation based of distance.
like navigating in a corridor.
reverb instead of volume variation
Tauchi project, Tampere Uni.
rhythm is good!

Roughness Perception
Audiotactile roughness, audio only, then with vibration.

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