TEI paper accepted!

2010 October 16

Yippi, my submission to TEI’11 (Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction) conference was accepted. The reviews contain good feedback, and they highlight some weaknesses that were totally known to me. I wrote this submission just before leaving for my sea kayaking in Greenland this summer. I was busy in Paris, getting ready for my trip, but I nevertheless decided to dedicate 24 hours to write something from my recent MSRC work. It was a sleepless night, and I was totally exhausted when I jumped on the plane toward Iceland.

The current title is Designing through Making: exploring the simple haptic design space. I have revisions to do during the coming weeks, let’s see if I keep this title or not.

The conference is in Madeira (Portugal) next January: http://www.tei-conf.org/11

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